Where do you stand on immigration?

Immigration is very important. I believe strong and secure borders are a necessity but this does not mean we have closed borders. This country’s foundation is on the ideology of immigration. Immigrants came here to have a better life, to escape the harsh living under a king. In doing so Immigrants of all kinds of backgrounds built this beautiful country that we live in. They are the hard workers who do tedious jobs, they are our neighbors that we see every day, they are people just like you and me who just are living every day to have a better life.

Without immigrants, we would not have the United States. Without immigrants we would not have our constitution, without immigrants, we would not have structures like the Intercontinental Railroad. You can’t even think about America without thinking of how without immigrants it would not be the amazing country we are now.

How do you feel about mass deportation?

I am against mass deportation. I stand firmly that it is wrong to break up families. Deporting criminals is one thing but to deport people who have no criminal record and are just here for a better life is wrong. We sell the idea of the United States being the golden castle on the top of a hill and we should not be mad when people want to come here and try for the American dream.

If voted to Congress this is one of the first problems that I want to solve. I want to find ways for people to come here legally to be able to pay into our systems like social security, pay taxes, and be able to strive for a better life without the fear of mass deportation. There are ways to have a strong and secure border but at the same time to have ways for people to come here legally. All we have to do is create the paths to do this.