Julian Arellano is a San Diego native. Born in North County Oceanside Julian understands his local Southern California natives. He is ready to take on the fight for a better Democracy to ensure the future of this country.
“why run for Congress?”
I am tired of the lack of representation of Latinos in Congress. We make up 20% of the population here in the United States. Still, we only have 2% of elected representatives helping pass laws. We are underrepresented and it is time for a change. Also not only are Latinos underrepresented in elected positions but so are young people. It is our future that we are voting for, and if we want to see the change we need to stand up and fight, We need to get out and VOTE. We need Elected officials like me who are ready to take on the challenge for a better future.
“Why should the people vote for you?”
I am not a career politician, and I come from humble beginnings. I understand the struggle of the everyday American living paycheck to paycheck and we need to change this we live in the land of Dreams and opportunity.
also, I want a better future for not only me but also for the generations that are to come after me. We have to be the change that we want to see. if you are not willing to stand up and fight then who is? I ask for all young people who want a change to stand behind me and give me your vote. let us not forget we live in a democracy where anything is possible.